Corinne’s blog
Words from the heart
Keeping it real
These last few weeks have contained many difficult, isolating moments. I've felt lonely and overwhelmed. I'm guessing you have too. I've questioned how to keep moving forward when all I want to do is stop.
A Love Letter
You are amazing, vibrant and full of life. Even if you can't feel it, I can see it. Underneath all the heartbreak, anxiety, depression and trauma is a strong, confident, vivacious, beautiful human! The universe is brighter and better off because you're alive! Thank you for being born.
Me and Men
I don’t feel timid and afraid. I feel in control. They won't get what I don't give them. Unfortunately, I used to feel the opposite. I was afraid they'd get whatever they wanted even if I didn't want to give it…. Why had I concluded that? Where did it all begin? I had no idea until I was 18… I was attending a conference that would help with the crisis coaching I was beginning. One of the speakers, a Licensed Professional Counselor, covered the topic of abuse. As she began to speak on sexual abuse, for the first time ever, I actually sat there considering that perhaps I had been sexually abused.
As humans we have different stories, but many times there are similarities. I'm not looking for the critics to voice what they disagree with, but for those who identify to know there's hope. I share mine and Evan’s story for those who are standing in the shadows, hurting, and hoping there's a way out, to know that in fact there is!
My Perfect Marriage
A perfect marriage isn’t flawless! Marriage looks messy. It’s complicated. A perfect marriage in my opinion is one that involves two people who love each other and actually want to do life together so they both work diligently on becoming the best version of themselves for the sake of everyone they live with, including their own self!