Empowered to Thrive Podcast

New episodes each Wednesday.

Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Why is it so important to support ourselves?

If we learn that “Oh, this is natural to feel, I'm allowed to feel it”...then we can naturally move through it and not get stuck.We didn't suppress it, we didn't repress it…we naturally processed through it.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Why do boundaries feel like rejection?

Reflect on the people in your life that have started to set boundaries and let's allow ourselves to take on a new perspective, to challenge the underlying beliefs, the stories we're telling ourselves, and to offer to other people what we would hope to receive in return.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How do you take time for yourself without feeling guilty?

Sometimes we're drawn or pulled to the busier lifestyle because of our own trauma. When we slow down, we actually have to confront more of our inner world. Sometimes we have a hard time falling asleep at night because we've been so busy throughout the day…

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How to not pass down trauma to my children

Each one of us as a parent now, as an adult person, has the opportunity to heal ourselves so that we don't keep the patterns ongoing - we can notice the needs of our children and meet their needs alongside of us meeting our own.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Why do I feel like I’m not allowed to rest?

We get to choose whether we're going to live our life and hold a perspective based on the perspective that people around us when we were growing up had, or if we're going to choose a different one.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How an unsupportive family impacts adult life

One reason that some of us hate being misunderstood and why it hurts so deeply is when our earliest experiences, that with our caregivers and our parenteral figures, when those people don't speak to understand us, we learn the pain of not ever really being known.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How do I get rid of holiday stress?

Knowing the limitations you need to set and having boundaries in place; honoring yourself through this process and evaluating as you go; knowing what you want from this season and what is aligned; that will help you in making your decisions.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Dealing with conflicts: how to not lose your voice

Let's talk about how you can support yourself when you're actually in the conflict. Perhaps one of the most important things for the parentified child, the one who's learned to people please, is to have boundaries in place.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

What is it that you enjoy? Figuring out what lights you up

It can be uncomfortable to relax when you're used to being hypervigilant, when you're used to being the one in charge, the responsible, mature one. It can feel childish, silly, wrong to do these other things. But they are so necessary for survival, for thriving. You deserve to have a good time.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Stop blaming, start taking care of yourself

There's a time when we have to stand up from where we've been sitting, look ourselves in the mirror, literally or figuratively, and say, “I care about you and I'm here to help.”

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Healing the parentified child

The goal is that you're in control of your decisions, that you have autonomy in this relationship, that it's no longer you having to act as the parent to your own parent.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How do I learn to be with myself?

You see, it's up to us to show people the real you, the real me. They won't know if they like you, if they don't know who you are. If we become the chameleon, we say the thing we think other people want us to say, we act in the way that we feel is appropriate or expected, and we never share our opinion. We never do what we would truly want to do - how expect people to like us? They don't even know who we are. It's only up to us if we will show up authentically. Nobody else can do that for us. 

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Why am I struggling with boundaries? 

Boundaries may feel like limitations at times. They may feel like ways to serve and protect ourself. Boundaries are a way to support ourselves. They're a way to come alongside and make sure we meet our own needs.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

Knowing your core values: how to live out the lifestyle you want

Can you be honest with yourself? If not, it's okay. Take time. Allow this process to take days, perhaps weeks, but be mindful of it. Not because you forgot, but because you're like deliberately reflecting and noticing yourself, the ways you interact, what you say, what you do behind closed doors.

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Corinne Guido-Powell Corinne Guido-Powell

How does our childhood impact our life as adults?

You are in control of your decisions, your choices, even if it doesn't feel like you are. In childhood, you may have been forced to do something. No longer do you have to allow yourself to be forced to do something. You get to decide.

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