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Radically Change Your Holidays: Traditions

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Radically Change Your Holidays: Traditions Corinne Guido-Powell

[Intro] Hello and welcome to my podcast, Empowered to Thrive. I'm your host, Corinne Powell. I'm an intuitive guide and I absolutely love helping people to heal from within so that they can create a life that they love, a life that they enjoy.

We weren't meant to just tolerate and get through life. We were meant to thrive and enjoy the life we're living. Of course, we will have seasons and moments that are difficult and challenging.

And the beauty of it is that we can be supported in those moments. I am here to be an aid and a guide to support you. And I hope that you will enjoy not only today's episode, but some of the past episodes if you haven't heard them yet.

On this podcast, I talk about all things inner wellness. We also sprinkle in some spirituality and parenting because as a mom to three kids, parenting is a big part of my life. I hope that you enjoy the episode and that there's at least one thing you'll pull from it and start to implement into your own life.

If you want to follow me in other ways, you can find me on Instagram, ⁠@corinne_changeradically⁠ or on Facebook Change Radically. Would you do me a favor and share this podcast with your friends? If you hear an episode that resonates with you? And would you also go ahead and give me a rating and review my podcast? It would mean so much to me and I would appreciate it. I hope that you enjoy the episode and that we connect.

I'm going to continue the conversation by talking about how to determine what you should keep as traditions and what you should let go of. When I say letting go of traditions, how does that make you feel? And let yourself feel that. Some of you might feel scared at that.

Letting traditions go. Some of you may feel sadness and disappointment. And there are going to be those of you that start to feel excited, ah, letting traditions go.

If that's you, if you're starting to feel light and excited. That is telling you something really big. You should start letting some traditions go.

Don't determine for your whole family what you should let go. If you have a family or there are people that you carry out traditions with, if you're going to change the tradition, you get to change it for yourself. But remember, it's going to affect other people.

So either bring them into your process. Tell them why you're letting go of this tradition. Or if you honestly have a significant other and you have a partner and you have kids, you need to have a conversation.

Sit down with the family and talk about how carrying this tradition is making you feel and the idea of letting it go, how that makes you feel. And have some dialogue around this. Your voice does matter and how you feel about this matters.

But if it's going to affect other people, then you do want to bring them in to making this decision with you. And remember last time I mentioned creativity and strategy. That is going to be key as you make your decisions.

Because there are going to be times where you don't need to wipe everything off of your list. You don't need to clear out all the traditions. But maybe you need to tweak something or change it.

Make it in a way that does feel more aligned with you that feels better. So if there's a special breakfast that you always have on Christmas or there's a special meal you always have on Christmas Eve and you are so done with it, maybe there's a way to still have that special meal but to order it. Or to have a part of that special meal or to have someone else in the house make the meal.

Like figure out what would feel good about changing this and how can you get to that same place in a creative way. I hope you catch my drift. This is not about making the holidays horrible for everyone else at the expense of... It's really about making it better all around.

And sure, there are going to be some people and some instances where you cannot make the other people happy. You're going to disappoint them. And it's probably what you have to do if it's really not feeling right for you to do that.

Reach out to me. Like I said before, we can take 30 minutes and having a quick coaching session is going to help bring clarity to you. It's going to help you have direction.

I'm not here to tell you what to do. Honestly, really truly, as I share these things, please know that I want you to take your power in this. You take your power back.

You do what's good for you. Do what's good for the people around you. Don't just do what I say because Corinne said it.

Please don't. I'm telling you things that have helped me. I'm telling you things from a place of ease and enjoyment.

And I want to share that with you. But the decisions are yours and you have to know in your gut that this is what you are supposed to do. Because I could say all these things and you might feel like a lot of them aren't for you.

And that's okay. But do the things you do think are for you. I would be astonished if none of what I'm talking about is meant for you.

There's got to be at least something that you know, okay, even if I don't want to do this, I need to do it. I need to change in this area. Change isn't always easy.

It's not always comfortable. But gosh, it feels good when it's the right thing for you to do. So determine that within yourself.

Reach out if you have questions and talk to other people who are involved in your traditions and how it's going to affect them if you let go of some of the traditions. There are so many things that I have let go of that just feel good to me. So my excitement is coming from that place of having walked this out and having been really happy with where I've landed.

And also re-evaluating all the time. You can take out a tradition one year and decide the next year, you know what, I actually think I enjoyed having that as a tradition. Let's bring it back in.

That's fine. This is all a matter of feeling into things and what is good for you and what is good for your family and try it out. And if it doesn't work well, bring it back in if that's what you're supposed to do.

There's no harm in not carrying out a tradition one year. Maybe a little bit of disappointment or a lot of disappointment, but it's going to be okay. So think about what your traditions are, write them down and feel into it.

Which ones would really excite you to let go of and what are the ones you feel like you want to keep? How can you create some change within certain traditions so that it's easier and it's lighter, but you're not letting go of the whole tradition? And talk to the people that it's going to affect if that feels like what you need to do. 

[Ending] We've come to the end. What did you think about what you heard? I hope that there's something you pull from today's episode and start implementing it into your life.

Create the change that you want to see, the change that you hear about. You have the opportunity to transform your life and I'm ready to link arms with you and to help and guide you to the life that you want to live. If you resonated with what you heard today and it touched you, would you share it with your friends? Would you also go ahead and rate my podcast and write a written review? It would mean so much to me.

I hope that we'll connect, whether it's for a session or just to connect because I enjoy meeting new people. You can find me on Instagram, ⁠@corinne_changeradically⁠ or on Facebook, Change Radically. You can also always email me, If you have thoughts, questions or anything that you just want to talk about, send me an email.

I hope that you have a wonderful week, but no matter what your week is like, in the moments that are quiet, maybe it's when you pillow your head at night or when you're driving in the car or taking a walk, or maybe it's going to be in the midst of the chaos with your children or the craziness of work. I hope that you'll remember how significant you are, that there is meaning and value to your life and that I for one am so glad that you're alive. 

Catch you again next week.