Stop blaming, start taking care of yourself

[Intro] Hello and welcome to Empowered to Thrive. I'm your host Corinne Powell. I'm so glad you're here.

No matter what type of day you're having, you're always welcome. I like having you around. This space is especially designed for the person who goes about life focused on everyone else while neglecting their own needs.

The person who says yes when inwardly they want to say no. The person who is frustrated at all they do because they don't receive much in return. If that's you, I'm going to put out some great ideas on how you can change those patterns and get unstuck.

Life isn't meant to be tolerated. It should be enjoyed. So let's get to it.

Corinne Powell: Hello friends, I am so happy to be here with you, thanks for joining me. Today, I want to start out with a question. Pause the episode, reflect. Consider at the end of the episode. Don't bypass this. How well are you taking care of yourself? What do you need? And how can you meet yourself in that need?

That's a lot right there. It might mean you need to ask other people for something in order to meet your own needs, but you deserve to have your needs met. You deserve that. You have always deserved that. When you were the little kid, growing up, and now at whatever age you are, you deserve care. 

And we could sit here and say, you know what? I deserved this other person to give me care. And they didn't show up for me. They didn't help meet my needs. And I am not dismissing that. That might well be the case. But in this moment, you have the opportunity, I have the opportunity to ask ourselves the question, what do we need? How can we get ourselves that and then finding a way to get it for ourselves.

That's living proactive and empowered. That's self-parenting right there. That's self-love. It's self-care. It's so much. And it is worth. You are worth it. You are worth it. You deserve the support you're longing for. You deserve the care that you've always needed. And I am so sorry and I'm angry with you for what you didn't receive when you needed to receive it. It's not your fault. You aren't to blame. That little child you used to be who didn't get what she needed from mom or dad or the other caregivers in your life. You aren't to blame for that.

But in this moment, I want you to also know there is something you can do. Acknowledging our pain, looking at what's happened to us is so important. But we also have this other piece to the whole process where we can sit and stew about things. We can blame other people for what they didn't do and for where it's landed us. And there is a time and a place for all of those pieces to the process. And there's also a time where we have to stand up from where we've been sitting, look ourselves in the mirror, literally or figuratively, and say “Hey I care about you. And I'm here to help”.

I know you wish the other people had done their part. I understand that you deserved that. But in this moment. You look yourself in the eye and you say, “I'm here to help you. What can I do to support you?”. And you might have to sit with that question for hours, days, weeks. You may not know. You might have to bring in outside resources to help you figure it out. But on the other side of that answer, there's going to be joy and relief, peace and rest. 

So many good things are coming on the other side of that answer and I'm excited for you to get those things because you deserve those things. You've always deserved those things. And I'm gonna keep saying these messages, not just today, not just several times today, but in the future as well because it's the truth. It's always been the truth. It always will be the truth.

You are not alone. I get it. It may feel so lonely at times. But what I mean by “you are not alone” is that there are people that care. And there are other people feeling and experiencing very similar things to you. This is not me denying your experiences, your reality. Not at all. I don't mean to do that at all. That's not my intention. It's not my thought process. 

Simply that sometimes we can think, does anybody get it? Does anybody else go through this? Yes, actually many of us do. Maybe everybody's not talking about it, but that doesn't mean they're not experiencing it. It doesn't mean they don't have those similar feelings. It doesn't mean that they don't have similar needs.

So here we are opening up the conversation. Go to a peaceful spot, whether that's outside for yourself, whether that's a peaceful spot in your home. Find a relaxing way to be in that peaceful spot and ask these questions of yourself. Ask these questions of your higher source. Consider what is it you need, how can you meet that need for yourself?

You are worthy of care. You are worthy of good things. You deserve support. If I can be of help, please reach out. Easiest way might be to email me, That's C O R I N N E at I'm sending love and light your way. I'm offering a warm virtual hug. 

Deep breath in and out. You are worthy. You are wonderful.

[Outro] We've come to the end of another episode. I'm so glad you stuck around. As you consider what you've heard, what's the one thing that especially resonated with you? What's one way you can start to implement change into your life? Too much too soon isn't sustainable.

Start small and go slow. Consistency is key. If you appreciate what you're hearing on Empower to Thrive, would you kindly leave me a review and rate my podcast? It helps a lot.

I hope you'll share the episode with a friend and come back next week. And don't forget, I'm so glad you're alive.


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