Corinne’s blog
Words from the heart
Keeping it real
These last few weeks have contained many difficult, isolating moments. I've felt lonely and overwhelmed. I'm guessing you have too. I've questioned how to keep moving forward when all I want to do is stop.
A Homeschoolers Thoughts
We recognize each of our children are unique and learn differently, so the idea of tailoring education to their specific needs feels absolutely right. This also means, homeschooling isn't for everyone. Even though we currently homeschool all 3 of our kids, we're regularly evaluating our process and their experience, and keeping the conversation open as to what we may do in the coming year. We're definitely not set on it being one way forever! Our children's opinions matter to us. We encourage them to think for themselves and express their thoughts and emotions.
ADDing FuN into Life!
As a kid I loved to have a good time, but as I grew I learned that life carried with it a lot of hardships and challenges and I had time for fun less and less…. I got to the point that I didn’t even feel comfortable having fun when someone invited me to. I was uneasy and wanted to get away from the atmosphere that was relaxed, happy and fun.