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Become Your Own Best Friend

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Become Your Own Best Friend Corinne Guido-Powell

[Intro] Hello, welcome to my podcast Empowered to Thrive. I'm so glad you joined me today. I'm your host Corinne Powell I'm an intuitive mentor and I help people pleasers to find happiness embrace courage and experience peace of mind. 

But say you're not a people pleaser and you're desperate for change and not sure how to make it happen then I'm here to help in. In this place you're gonna find motivation to live a life full of joy and resilience. We'll talk all things inner wellness and because I'm a mom we'll throw in some knock-knock jokes. I'm just kidding.We'll talk mom hacks and parenting sometimes.

Whether it's your first time here or you listen week after week. I’m wanting you to know as I’m always wanting you to know, that your life is so significant, you are so valuable and I for one am happy you are alive.

I Hope that you enjoyed today's episode and would you do me a favor? Would you go ahead and subscribe to my podcast? Give me a good rating and write a written review? Any of those three things would help me so very much and I would appreciate it.

Enjoy the episode.

In today's episode. I want to talk about ways that you can support yourself. This is going to be a mixture of a lot of the content that I like to talk about because there is so much interwoven into supporting yourself. Partly it's going to be by doing practical things like recognizing what your body needs, speaking up for yourself, asking for what you need not presuming that other people will figure it out.

How many times have we hoped that someone would get what we needed that they would recognize and they haven't?. It's time for us to start speaking up for ourselves. Asking for the things we need. Become aware of what your body is saying to you. Does it need rest? Does it need some more nutritious foods? Does it need a break? Are you actually needing to do something fun?  Start to become in tune with yourself. 

Check in, ask your body, recognize that there is many facets to who you are. I grew up and pushed myself to do hard things a lot of the time and actually disconnected from what my body was needing in many ways. So I've had to learn how to connect again how to recognize when there's times I need to push myself I need to challenge myself, I need to restructure my thinking and there's other times where I need to hold compassion and love for myself and be extremely gentle. 

Now even in the times that I'm challenging myself and restructuring my thinking I'm actually doing that with self-compassion and self-love interwoven but being gentle with myself is going to look different than the times that I challenge myself and both are necessary, and I think it's important to hold space for both. 

Empowering yourself means that certain times you're gonna be able to say hey, you know I know I can do this and it's what I need to do in this moment and empowering yourself is also going to look like pausing stepping back and resting sometimes.

It's learning more about yourself and becoming in in living intuitively that's going to help you become self-supporting There will be people along your journey that totally disagree with you that misunderstand what you're doing and that is hard, but I also want you to know it's okay. It's a part of the process. I've had to accept the fact that people will misunderstand they will judge my journey and they will disagree with it. 

What is most important is that I embrace myself along the way that I am confident in the direction I'm going in what I want out of life and when it boils down you're the only person who lives within your body you are the one who gets to determine where you're gonna end up in life and it is super satisfying to reach your goals to heal from within it makes all of the challenges feel like they were worth it again.

It doesn't diminish that they were challenges. It doesn't mean that I'm belittling or pushing them aside. I'm just saying I think that the satisfaction of healing and reaching my goals outweighs the challenges along the way and it outweighs the judgments and the criticism from people. 

Plus, when I think about it, they were already criticizing me and judging me previous, I just let that control me. I let it stop me from going forward and from getting where I wanted to go. So now through supporting myself it means I just let other people have less power over me. I let their opinions sway me much less so what can you do to support yourself?

What is the one thing that you feel like you need to adjust? You need to tweak or pivot is practical does your body need you to be more gentle towards it or does your body need you to challenge it more? Does it is it coming to you that way of thinking do you need to restructure your thinking? Do you need to reconceptualize the way you look at life and start to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty? 

If that is what you need to do, there are some super practical tools that I can help you with. And you know, you can always reach out to me set up a session and we can talk very specifically about what it is that you need and how I can come alongside and support you.

At the base of all of this, you must practice self-compassion, you must cultivate a love and acceptance for yourself before you get to the point that you've reached your goals before you get to that place where you say I feel satisfied the cultivation of love and acceptance within yourself has got to start before that point and I know that's a can of worms. 

That's not easy if you're not practicing it already It takes intention deliberate effort and a lot of support to learn how to look at yourself differently than you always have. So you may have heard me suggest this in the past, but in case you haven't I'm going to encourage you.

If you feel comfortable to go and stand in front of a mirror. Look yourself in the eye and become aware of the thoughts and feelings that surface when you do. What do you think of that person you see in the mirror? Who is she or he to you? How do you view them? Do you feel disgust? Do you feel admiration and pride? Are you feeling sad and sorry for that person you see in the mirror? As much as you're comfortable sit with those feelings and then start to have dialogue with yourself.

You can write these things down if you don't feel comfortable speaking them out. Expect that it's gonna feel awkward the first time you do it or the first few times or maybe even longer than that but the First time we do things are usually awkward. They're unknown. They're uncomfortable. It's through this process that you will get where you want to go if you are looking to become self-supportive if you are looking to heal from within take something from what I've shared today and start walking it out.

Not sure where to begin? Ask me your questions, I'm here to help you. 

[Ending] Here we are we've made it to the end. What do you think about what you heard today? Is there something you heard that you know, you need to take action on? I'm one of those people who loves to not just sit and hear something but to sit in here and then go ahead and start implementing taking action on what I hear, what was stirred up in me and I encourage you to do the same.

If you enjoyed today's episode or perhaps you heard an episode in the past that really stuck with you would you go ahead and share that with some of your friends and your family? It would mean so much to me and also if you want to connect with me remember, you can always find me throughout the week on Instagram. I'm @corinne_changeradically⁠ or you can email me anytime I'd love to be in touch and if there's any way that I can help you, please seek me out until we speak again next week.

I hope that you will remember in the moments that are loud and busy and in the moments that are quiet and still, that who you are is super important. You are valuable and I am so glad that you're alive.